
Time management

6 May, in the year of our Lord 2022

Up, only a bad night’s rest, being poorly slept with my nose full of a great flux and my voice all a-croake since the Tasty Menu, and at times with great convulsions of a cough. After breakfast took feathers upon myselfe to perform a latterale Flough Test, but negative. A man on the air wave said that the juice of a Beet root is the answer to everything.
  Mr. I. Jones come at eleven a-clock to temper my clavichord, the year’s anniversary of the day when he told me he would be back in a couple of weeks to even its toning. He much admiring of my new coach, which I have now these two weeks and not damaged, and he praised especially the colour, which, though it should not, filled me with a great pride that he said as much to me.
  After dinner, my grandmother clock in the hall stopped again, and would not start even with oyling, righting, balancing and checking penderlum; and after, wound the grandfather clock and heared a great noyse like a shot come from within it, whereupon it stopped in the same manner, and the chain carrying its weight all loosed. The Messenger to my clock man, he replying by return that he would come tomorrow, though Lord! it would be difficult to meet with a less reliable fellow, for if his management of a timepiece is competent, which it is, that of his own time is lamentable.


12 May, in the year of our Lord 2022

A cold day, and I still full of a very great cold.


15 May, in the year of our Lord 2022

Today finally come Mr. Walker to attend to my clocks (nine days after he sayed he would be here the next day, he being constitucionally incapable of turning up at any agreed time), which he hath taken to mend. The house very quiet apart from the sound of my coghing.

By andywmacfarlane

I am a retired medic who likes messing around with a bit of writing, and friends seemed to like my social media postings of "Samuel Pepys: The Covid Diaries". So I'm having a go at blogging them.

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